Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's been quite a while since I last posted on here. I've been busy, too busy I suppose, to write anything of consequence.
It's third-year university stuff-essays, deadlines, dissertation. Work, academic and Whittard, has been hectic and time-consuming. My work with the University Christian Union also takes up a lot of time, leaving me with very little room in my week for posting here.

It's now cold, often wet and late-autumnal here; Manchester has a fairly mild climate, being near the sea etc but it does feel like this month has been really cold.
Tomorrow it's work, Whittard from 12-5, then home to do some dissertation work, hopefully. The shop may be busy or deathly dull, it's hard to say at the moment. In the run up to Christmas it will be late opening and the bulk of our sales take place then, but at the same time it isn't a massive shop and so it never really gets terrifically busy on weekdays.
I'm tired and worn out, and it doesn't look like easing until I have a day off on Friday, which should allow some time for academic work. I'm still working on my dissertation essay, which should be on 'Modernism and the City of London-1890-1930'.