Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Relying on God?
I've been thinking about the future, probably while I should have been doing something else, today. I probably have a tendency to excessively worry about the future and what it might hold, and I'm challenged by the fact that Jesus teaches his followers to do exactly the opposite (Matthew 6:25-34). I suppose I'm equally challenged by the assertion that Paul makes in Philippians 4:13 that he can "do anything through him who gives me strength", meaning not Paul himself, nor his friends or personal trainer, but Jesus. Also, as Jesus says in the gospel of John (John 15:5) "apart from me you can do nothing." There are of course many more instances of this principle of trusting fully in God in both the New and Old Testaments.
So how far does this principle rule in my life? More importantly, how much does Christ rule in my life? When I worry about the next few years, months, hours or minutes, how much is my thinking infused by my faith in the risen Christ? It's a question I have to ask myself, and I think it would be deeply hypocritical not to. If it is He upon whom my life is now based, rooted, then I am convicted that there shouldn't be massive glaring areas of my life that essentially have nothing to do with Him.

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