Friday, September 22, 2006

It's Friday, and I will be enrolling for my third year of University this afternoon. I had a bit of a problem with my fees, in that the University didn't actually specify how much needed to be paid.
The last few days have been hectic, with a Fresher's week being a really busy time for the Christian Union. We ran a stall at the fair, handed out copies of John's gospel and the brilliant CD that a couple of people from our CU and the Royal Northern College of Music have made together. It looks fantastic, although I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. We also put on a free lunch (sandwiches, crisps, buffet style etc) and talk from Howard Kellet, the leader of my church. I got real nervous about the planning side, and I must admit I totally lost my cool when Howard was late and I couldn't get in touch with him on his mobile. The attendance was great, and I just hope and pray that God will work in the hearts and minds of the people who attended.
Yesterday I was back at work, which was fine, and then came back and spent a bit of time chatting with Mark, my housemate. He's just moved in, and it's been great having him around.

This morning I have been working on some stuff for my Poststructualism course this term, reading Catherine Belsey's 'Critical Practice', which I started last Friday.
That's all for now; need to get enrolling sorted!

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