Monday, January 15, 2007

Up real early to pray this morning with a mate. It was a brilliant time, not holding back and being honest about stuff etc.

Then back to work on my dissertation. I feel like I've neglected it these past few weeks, but coming back to it was encouraging in that I already have more material than I thought. I've started writing up a very, very, very rough draft.

Jogging again at one. Went better. I didn't collapse or black-out.
Yeah, okay, I didn't quite last time either. But I couldn't complete the run we went on last week, so this week was better.

Reading after all that. Martin Amis: 'Money'. Hard going.

Also finished 'New Grub Street'. Partly for my dissertation. Can't really say what I thought of that one. In places it's incredibly moving, pathos etc. It's incredible, at times. A lot of unexpected insights and painful stuff generally.

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