Friday, January 12, 2007

Work all day today; university, drama, George Bernard Shaw until one, then a five minute lunchbreak and a bus up to Deansgate to sell tea, coffee and dishwasher safe ceramics all afternoon.

It's been hectic.

The last few days have, actually. Up essaying for the past few nights, I finally got both of them in on Tuesday and Thursday. Did it feel good? Yes and no. The second one particualarly not.

I've not really felt I've had a lot of time recently to attend to loads of important stuff. I will finish being on the leadership committee at the Christian Union within a couple of weeks. Not sure how I feel about that; I'm ready to pass on my role to someone else, and I need more time to work on my dissertation etc. I just haven't really thought about it yet. And it's gonna happen soon.

Am reading Martin Amis' 'Money' at the moment. Not sure what I think about that, either, but it's for a course on the history of contemporary cultural studies, Literary Theory/cultural political/social etc.

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