Saturday, January 06, 2007

Writing eh? It's a funny business. Well not always.

At the moment I'm still stuck with the mental-block imposed on me by two essays which are to be submitted next Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. Both are interesting topics, both are quite abstract and challenging, and both require a lot more work before they're going to be properly finished.

I have a somewhat eccentric method of writing essays; I tend to favour leaving it to the last possible minute (well almost, I guess in this case that would be at 3:29 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon), making it as difficult for myself as I can by not doing adequete research until the said last minute, and then fretting and worrying over the whole thing until my hands are too tired to write. I then tend to write the first nonsense that comes into my head and hope for the 'best'.

When will I learn? Both in relation to essay writing, and more generally!

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